Summertime means Cub Scout Day Camp for Jabberjaw and I went to be leader for the day. Thankfully, this year the weather cooperated. Last year was super hot so I was grateful for the milder weather this time around.
Although the weather was improved over last year, other conditions were less favorable. Generally we have our group of boys split up into two smaller groups, making it much easier to deal with them. This year the camp was overbooked which meant that they didn't have enough Den Sites for us to have two groups. So... I had the lovely time of dealing with thirteen 8 to 10-year-olds! I now understand the term 'herding cats'.
Thankfully I had help from two fantastic Youth Leaders who, when I said "Jump", asked "How high?". I couldn't have survived the day without them.
All in all it was a good day. The boys had lots of fun building gliders, shooting water rockets, and doing archery, an obstacle course, and games. The camp was also visited by firefighters who brought along their firetruck, showed the boys all of their fire-fighting gear, and talked about fire safety. Lots of fun-- but, boy... was I ever exhausted when I got home!
Bullseye! |
13 Little Monkeys |
Steady as she goes! |
Tired yet? |
Local heroes |
Safety first! |
Wow! That's a big group to look after! Good job Laura! Sounds like a fun yet busy day. I never knew all they do at day camp, that was fun to learn about and makes me excited for a future scout of my own! So fun to see you today!
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