For anyone who is tuning in for part two of To Spray Or Not To Spray, my post about arachnophobia and how I overcame it...
You're gonna have to wait one more post. I just have to get this little update in quickly.
Our Family Summer Reading Program is going great! If you haven't read the original post, you can read it here.
I planned to post when we were half way, but the kids are doing so much reading this summer that we got too far before I'd gotten the post written! I wanted to get this post written before we finished the whole thing!
We are a little over two-thirds of the way finished with filling in our thermometer chart and ahead of our schedule for completing it before the end of the summer! Yay!
I wish I could say that I've contributed more than I have. I would have loved to have the time to read that my girls have had, but alas, I am the mom, and therefore, I rarely have a chance to sit down.
Hubs and Jabberjaw have each completed a book, and Jabberjaw is working on a second. Bookworm (her name is SO appropriate) has been devouring books all summer, as per usual for her.
The big surprise is that TeenStar has discovered the joy of reading this summer! She always thought she didn't like to read, but Bookworm helped her discover that there are books at the library that actually keep her attention and she's finally understanding that you just gotta keep trying until you find a book that interests you. Now I can hardly get her to put her books down!
Oaks Park here we come!
What a great way to keep track and to motivate. I need something like that to help my boys read. One reads, the other not so much. At times we do good, other times not so good. I have read the most, as it is something that I love. Thanks for the inspiration and good luck with your goal.
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