Yesterday as I was walking on the treadmill (I barely willed myself to walk, let alone run... but at least I did something active!) I was listening to my 'Motivation' playlist on my ipod. I've filled it with songs that lift my spirit, inspire, or motivate me in some way. I was in serious need of some VERY serious motivation. I'm not really depressed or anything. I've just really been deep inside my own head the last few days and the deeper you go, the darker it gets (don't worry-- there's nothing too scary down there!).
I chose a very uplifting song entitled 'Let it go' by Tim McGraw (sorry- I know I keep mentioning him, but he really DOES have some very good tunes!). This song is all about... well, letting go of the things that have been plaguing us. It was the perfect song to listen to after attending my first therapy session the night before.
Things went well in my first session. I felt comfortable with the counselor and feel very optimistic about how things are going. It was amazing how just taking that first step of meeting with her helped me find some hope. And that can make all the difference. Hope is a very powerful thing. Hope gives us the courage to keep going. To keep trudging along through the dark tunnel, even when we can't see the light at the end. Even when it feels like the tunnel has been going on and on forever and we'll never get there. Hope gets you through the toughest, darkest times... the times where you feel like you can't take one more step.
In the October 2008 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, gave a powerful talk on Hope. In it he talks about the difference between things we 'hope for' and things we 'hope in'. You can find the full article here.
He said, “The things we hope in sustain us during our daily walk. They uphold us through trials, temptations, and sorrow. Everyone has experienced discouragement and difficulty. Indeed, there are times when the darkness may seem unbearable. It is in these times that the divine principles of the restored gospel we hope in can uphold us and carry us until, once again, we walk in the light.”
The things we 'hope for' can only get us so far, especially if those hopes remain unrealized. But if we always hold to the things that we 'hope in', we will have the strength we need to be able to endure to the end of whatever earthly trial the Lord gives us.
Here's my list of things that I 'Hope In':
-My Heavenly Father, my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost
-My Eternal Sweetheart and loving children
-My other family members, near and far
-My friends and Ward family members
-The blessings and covenants of the Holy Temple
-The Word of God through His Prophets and Apostles
-The Holy Bible, The Book of Mormon, and other books of scripture
-The beauty of the earth that God created
-My life-- body, mind, and soul and the talents and gifts God has blessed me with
-The power and healing balm of good and uplifting music
-The goodness and kindness of others
I'm grateful that the Light of Christ shines forth in the darkness and brings me hope to help me get through my trials.
We all need a light in dark places from time to time. Good luck with the counselor, I hope she's able to help you, although sometimes finding the right one you jibe with is hard.
And of course you know you always have good friends you can talk to :)
Oh, bonus points for the Lord of the Rings reference.
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