I was traveling while the live nuptials were being broadcast, so I planned ahead and set up my DVR so I could catch up when I got home. I have to admit, it was nice to be able to speed through some of the slower, more boring parts, but all in all it was totally worth a couple hours of my time. And the reason for that is-- because I'm a girl.
I'm sure there are some guys out there who were interested in tuning in, for various reasons. Maybe you're a Brit or maybe your just fascinated with Brits and all things British. Maybe you served a mission in England or have been lucky enough to travel there for some other reason. Maybe you're obsessed with Royalty. Or maybe you're just obsessed with Kate (she IS beautiful!). Whatever the reason, most guys who even gave half a thought to spending a couple of hours of their precious time watching a wedding of someone they weren't related to, had some type of reason.

If you think I'm exaggerating, just imagine how much money Disney has made over the years selling Princess Stuff! We girls grow up playing dress up, twirling around in frilly dresses and begging our mom's to let us wear a little of her makeup. Many of us, at one time or another, forced a brother (or even a sister) to play the part of the prince so we could act out our pretend wedding. My sister-in-law even mentioned in her blog recently that she has had a secret crush on Prince William for years and fantasized about how she would meet and marry him someday.

It's hard NOT to be pulled in by all of that. No wonder Kate fell in love. And all of us watching were reminded that sometimes fairy tales do actually come true...
I really do love this post Laura and I've loved all your fun comments you make on my blog! Thank you for those comments. I totally agree with your post as you already know. That was fun to read thanks for writing it. We really need to have a girls night soon. Maybe a post Mother's day pampering day like getting a pedicure or just watching a girl movie! Love ya sis!
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